What it is and How it is Granted….
There is wide movement around the world to claim our sovereign divinity and become independent in our spiritual journeys. While this is true, it must be understood in its proper context in order to freely move in a healthy direction.
First of all, let’s understand that we are not sovereign apart from our Creator, but we are sovereign unto our Creator. And despite what is being broadly taught, the Creator is the one who grants us sovereignty through the knowledge and wisdom we acquire on our journeys. This is not just this lifetime, but hard lessons learned through various ones. Depending on the lessons learned from previous journeys, the transition could be swift or prolonged; however, it is easier to obtain if one simply observes. If it were not so, then how is it that many are unable to manifest, evolve, or even birth necessary events in their lives? Surely, if we were all sovereign, then life would be working in our favor at all times. Nay, this gift is given to those with great understanding. It is given to the righteous at heart. It is given to those who were able to process the journeys and gain complete understanding of it; no matter how difficult it appears. These are they who have gained trust over their own walks by their actions. In other words, the fruits produced are good. And, its not that hard to achieve. Remember I said “righteousness” not “goodliness”. Please learn to understand the difference. One is perfected…the other is not. Therefore we understand that we are not perfect on this journey. But we seek that which is beneficial to ourselves and others.
To become sovereign is an honor because it comes with a level of responsibility to represent the Divine no longer as children, but as co-creators and partners. We are the eyes of the divine on earth, and as so we keep the balance. Sovereign individuals can serve the divine and humanity in the following areas:
- Intercessors and Ambassadors: The ability to speak on another’s behalf to gain favor, justice, or clarity in a matter.
- Judges: The ability to discern a situation and pronounce the correct outcome on a matter at hand.
- Logos: The ability to write and pronounce law according to the righteous tenants of the Universe and the Divine.
- Creators: The ability to create and manifest their own reality apart from the reality of the mass population.
- Destroyers: The ability to dissolve (destroy) anything that is considered harmful to others and the Universe.
Gaining sovereign divinity is a process that is given over time, but is not too difficult to achieve if one is simply willing to understand the nature of things. This can be accomplished in many forms of religion and/or spirituality as long as the tenants are righteous. In to otherwords, one does not have to practice a religion to achieve it, rather one only has to comprehend the reasoning behind it. Let’s look at the military as an example:
When we are in boot camp, we are in the toughest part of the military process. Here is where we are told what to do, when to rise, when to bed, when to eat, and how to push the body to its limits. During this phase, one is forced to abandon all that was previously experienced and adapt to a completely different way of life. The military is designed to break the norms and comfortability of everyday life to be reborn into a soldier. It is during this phase that many want to quit. Many also breakdown. But the strong who understand that this is merely a mind game tend to make it through this process unscathed. Here is when the separation occurs between the weak and the strong. And not to say that anyone who quits the military is weak…no. They are simply not cut out for this journey and should find where their strength lie elsewhere. The reigns are very tight during boot camp, and can be a very unpleasant experience.
Once one completes the very basics of training, pushing the mind and body to its limits, many feel a sense of accomplishment as they are ready for AIT (where they learn their specialties). Here the reigns are not as tight, and a certain level of freedom is granted. However, one is still in training to learn their place within the military and how they will serve. So training does not end; nor does being told what to do. There is still a hierarchy that one must respect regardless if it is agreeable or disagreeable in ones eyes. Here is another area where many fall off and quit. But those who make it through that testing go on to serve in military life. Soldiers abide by a different set of rules that are unlike civilian life. This is a life of order, discipline, obedience, and hierarchy. Therefore although the soldier is occupying the same earth as a civilian, they are still under a different set of ordinances. This is equivalent of being in the world…but not of it. Follow the example.
As one starts to move up in rank, more freedoms and responsibilities are granted to the soldier. Eventually allowing them to be the leaders of their own squads, platoons, battalions, and in some cases nations. So the soldier moves from taking orders to giving them. And should they wish to change a situation or ordinance, may have the ability to do so. Therefore the soldier has the ability to change things from the inside out without causing disorder and confusion. They are granted this position due to the observation, experience, and wisdom obtained from the journey (whether good or bad), and is trusted to make wise decisions based on the experience as a whole.
It is important to understand that I am neither encouraging nor discouraging the military as ones path is between them and the divine. I am simply highlighting the journey as a comparison to what one may face on the journey of becoming sovereign. Take it how it resonates.
When one is granted sovereign divinity, they have achieved the greatest tenant of righteousness…that of understanding. This is understanding the nature of the Universe, the nature of the divine, the nature of laws and ordinances, the nature of duality, the nature of humanity, and the nature of existence itself through out evolution. For all the laws and prophets can be summed up in two…Love of the divine and love of our neighbors. Thus we live by the golden rule.
The soul that achieves sovereign divinity understand that they must be a student as well as a teacher. Therefore they visit, correct, and reconcile paradoxes from the past to bring into the future; while not necessarily reliving it. One must understand that the past is the past, and we are to learn from it so that history does not keep repeating itself looping us in karmic debt. The writings of those who came before us were for edification purposes… showing us what was beneficial to humanity and what was not. We do not seek to repeat patterns of the old into a new way of life. That is equivalent of pouring new wine into old wine skins. Nay, we are to learn from the old and build upon it. Remember it benefits us not to go backwards to repeat it. Only to comprehend the lessons that was taught. Educate yourselves.
The sovereign soul asks of the divine the hard questions “why?, how?, when?” This it to gain comprehension on all areas regardless of whether or not it was agreeable at the time. One cannot reconcile the past without first studying it. Nor can one offer a solution without understanding the repercussions of previous solutions that may have been similar. We study humanity and the divine throughout various ages to compare against the present. We ask of the divine…has humanity progressed or regressed? If the answer is the latter, we try to find the solutions for the betterment of all. And that my friend is the greatest reward of all.