Believe it or not, the easiest way to obtain a negative attachment is through intercourse. This is not about punishment, it is the nature of the soul and spirit. Sexual unions are divine, and was meant to unite two souls. Both engaging in the sexual act agree on a spiritual level to become conjoined. The unification that comes along with a sexual union are making a conscious choice to share in gifts as well as curses. This is because of the hormone that is produced during intercourse called Oxytocin.
Oxytocin can help us bond with loved ones and can be released through touch, music and exercise. Oxytocin is a hormone that’s produced in the hypothalamus and released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland. Its main function is to facilitate childbirth, which is one of the reasons it is called the “love drug” or “love hormone.”
Oxytocin both stimulates the muscles of the uterus to contract, and boosts the production of prostaglandins, which also increase uterine contractions. Women whose labor is slow to proceed are sometimes given oxytocin to speed the process. Once the baby is born, oxytocin helps to move milk from the ducts in the breast to the nipple, and foster a bond between mom and baby.
Our bodies also produce oxytocin when we’re excited by our sexual partner, and when we fall in love. That’s why it has earned the nicknames, “love hormone” and “cuddle hormone.”
This hormone is released during intimacy to prepare the body to receive love and childbirth. The heart enters into an agreement and the souls bind. We then carry the essence of our intimate partners whether we know it or not, as the soul prepares for union. Very few have the ability to release the energy upon contact or intimate encounters. Here is how to release it:
I wrap my mind, body, and soul in the highest vibration of love and incorruptibility. I acknowledge that I falsely created a soul tie by having intimate relations with partners that do not serve my highest purpose. I am relinquishing any foreign attachments that is outside of my own unique soul, and I ask of the divine to unify my spirit god consciousness. I honor my vessel as the temple of the divine, and I acknowledge that my sexual energy is priceless. I do not give permission for any attachments to infiltrate my consciousness as I am aware that I am complete on my own. I ask of the divine and higher self to purge my mind, body , and soul of that which is not of my own essence as I work to pull my energy back from those whom I wrongfully released it to. I am asking for healing for both myself, and the partners whom I have effected in this manner, wrongfully by creating a bond that I had no intentions of keeping. I acknowledge my role in harming myself and others in this matter due to ignorance. Let all parties heal and become complete in their own healing journeys.
The divine will acknowledge this prayer, however this does not mean that the opposing party is forgiving. The more you express this truth, the easier it will become to acknowledge the role you’ve played in hurting another soul. This is the beginning of dispelling the ego when one is able to acknowledge their own faults. Hopefully, the affected party will be willing to forgive themselves as well as you for entering into a false contract.
Sex is an amazing gift for us. But it is also a blessing and a curse (remember duality). In its expression of love…it is pure and balanced. It its expression of recklessness, it creates unwanted soul ties, and unnecessary heartache. We are to freely enjoy the gift of sex when we are in beautiful unions. Beautiful unions help us evolve, bond, and presents a beautiful expression of harmony.