The reason why spellcasters, sorcery and witchcraft was given a bad name is not because of their magical gifts. No, gifts are given to us to complete the work for the greater good. However, there are those who choose to use these gifts and talents to harm others and to manipulate freewill. In the case that someone is not operating in their own right, but under the influence of another, it poses the question of “who should be responsible?”. Ofcourse this is not an easy question to answer because it obtains variables. In the case that a low vibrational being becomes the victim of such attacks, it is normally allowable because the being itself is low vibrational, and without divine protection can become victim.
However, those under the divine cannot be fully affected, but made aware of the spiritual manipulation as you become the catalyst of justice. In other words, the divine may use you as a scapegoat to give justice to the guilty party. Don’t worry, all will not be allowed to experience it. Only those who have the ability to transmute the attacks will be allowed to experience a portion of it…but it will work for their highest good. The negative energy sent to you will actually empower you and bring forth stronger gifts.
Now remember it was taught to us by our ancestor Tehuti that the only way to overcome a law is with a greater law. Therefore we can counteract spiritual warfare by using a higher law. So let’s remember some laws governing this existence:
We have the Law of Correspondence – As above so Below. This law is also mirrored in the lords prayer when it is written “On earth as it is in heaven”. This law protects us by acknowledging that we are doing the divine work of God on earth as a microcosm of a bigger existence of the incorporeal.
We have the law “Do unto others as you will have them do unto you”. This ensures that we have no karmic debt or obligations as we have not put out any negativity to others, Therefore, we cannot receive it as such. For we are measured by our own righteousness (pendulum swing in the law of rhythm) and not others.
We also have Love is the highest law- When we vibrate in the highest law, we become unaffected by these attempts to harm us. We are not held accountable for any transgressions to others, so therefore the pendulum swings in our favor, and not against it. Some people may find and use other laws to assist them as they deem fit.
It is well known to put on the full armor of God to resist the attempts of the adversary. But proclaiming the full armor of God and not wearing it bears no fruit and will not protect you. Therefore this proclamation can only be utilized if you are actually “wearing it”, and you can only wear it through righteous action.
Note: None of these prayers will work if you are not in right standing or alignment with the divine, so be warned.
I wrap my mind, body, and soul in the spirit of righteousness and incorruptibility. I contest to the Divine and Universe that I operate in the highest law of love. Therefore, I cannot and do not receive anything other than what I put out. For according to the laws of the Universe, I have accumulated no Karmic debt to be paid. I have harmed none, and therefore I cannot be harmed by others. My righteousness is from the divine and keeps me in constant protection. Violators of this law must experience what they have put out as the pendulum swings. The law of vibration allows me to attract that which is good because I give what is good. My service to others is the testimony of your highest truth. Therefore I incorporate your highest protection as a shield over my mind, body, and soul as private property. As it is written, let is be so…
Remember before you say this prayer, you must make sure that you are clean from this spiritual violation yourself. If you infringed upon someone else freewill, then you have given others permission to violate yours and must go through the karmic expressions of your own doing. Once the lesson is learned, then you can feel free to live your authentic life as a blessing to others on this journey.