Understanding the Nature of the True Trinity
When it comes down to religion or spirituality, there comes alot of confusion in regards of which is the “true path”. The mind in confinement can only see in absolutes. This is typically for the young mind still discovering their own awakening. It was accepted in many religions in regards to the trinity as being Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. However, the Holy Spirit was never clearly defined. Many accepted the truth that it was a threefold masculine energy. But that does not match the law of correspondence, nor is it synonymous with the “as above, so below” principal. We see that we are a microcosm of a macrocosm, and since the law of gender is residing over this Universe, then logically, there must be a feminine energy involved. Being that wisdom is referred to as the feminine, and the comforter is a feminine quality, then we can conclude that the true trinity must consist of Father, Mother, and son. This idea has been displayed all the world in writings, paintings, and esoteric/gnostic teachings. So what is the three fold path and how does it tie into the trinity?
The First Path- Knowledge – The Father: It was stated in the Bible that “My people perish for lack of knowledge”. The Path of the Father is Gnosis. This is discovery. This is science, law and order, metaphysics, antiquity, logic, and righteousness of all things earthbound and divine. The path of the Father screams “Know of me. And know of my creation. Know thyself, and thy capabilities. Know my ordinances and perfect them”. The Father governs the mind, and is motivated by its expansion. Those who take this path seek knowledge in various subject matters on how this reality is governed. Those who are choosing the path of the Father tend to be more explorative-sometimes to our own detriment. But even choosing a wrongful path can increase our understanding in matters. As long as we stay connected to the Father, we can find our ways back as the Father introduces the Mother.
The Second Path – Wisdom – The Mother: Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. 7 The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Proverbs 4. The Path of the Mother is wisdom. This is knowledge personified in man. Wisdom governs the heart. She is the comforter, and perfecter of knowledge. The Mother charges us to live in love and lead with the heart. The Mother guides us to all truths by focusing our journeys inward, to find the divine. The Mother screams “understand me in my various forms. Learn from me as I lead you to truths unspoken. Explore me, and I will expand your consciousness. Create with me, and I will show you beauty”. Those who take the path of the Mother are content in all things. They do not have to have all of the knowledge of this world as wisdom teaches through experience. These are they who live by faith in whatever circumstance, and they are rooted in peace and joy. The path of the Mother only wishes to see you perfect your understanding, and grow a deeper connection with the Divine.
The Third Path – Understanding -The Son/Sun: The son is the perfected path of the Mother and the Father. It is the giver of life eternal through the process of self mastery. The son governs the root; that is the foundation of this reality. Through the root we are “born again” in a reset of our foundations. We revisit the core principal beliefs of our journeys revisited through the knowledge of the Father and wisdom of the Mother. In this manner, we are able to reconcile with our past, and become enlightened through our experience. It is the son who opens the door to sovereign divinity. Let those with eyes to see and ears to hear understand. The Son screams: Let me take you to the path of perfection. Let me show you how to achieve self mastery with the help of the Mother and Father. Come to me, and I will give you life everlasting…for I have perfected the balance, and I offer you the keys to kingdom from which I have perfected”. The son is urging us to walk out our journeys in harmony and balance. Those who walk this path are they who have achieved equilibrium, and is in the process of perfecting all things. These are those who end up Master teachers or Ascended Masters. But it must be warned, this is the hardest path to walk.
Understanding the Trinity allows us to understand one another as all walks are not the same. Those who feel safe in their journeys, should stay on the path in which they were directed. Allow the divine to guide you on your rightful path, and question not your piece of the puzzle. For all is needed to perfect this journey, so be mindful of your judgements.