Throughout ages of time, the Creator has sent countless ordinances, decrees and statutes to demonstrate how mankind should live peaceably amongst one another as we are collectively co-habiting this earth. There were universal Principals, Laws to govern the earth, laws to govern mankind, and laws for the ethereal realms. Each man’s soul will naturally gravitate to that which suites his/her current state of understanding. When observed in the correct matter, it represents an area of dimensional consciousness to elevate to the next level. The core of these laws is to teach righteous thinking, and harmonious living. The ultimate goal is to perfect this navigation unto one is loosed from all laws by having the ability to transcend them. Only those with a great understanding of the purpose of the laws will fulfill them all naturally. These are they who are no longer bound to them as they become the law givers aka a living logos. In this manner, the Creator trusts and respects the perspective of the logos, as they are deemed righteous in their judgments, and perfected in their understanding. These are they who receive kingship and governance on their current existence. Listed under this page are varying laws and principals that were design to teach humanity. Lets start with the Decree of the Divan Laws. The transcended souls assisting humanity. Welcome to the Kosmon era.