The Double Triangle of Consciousness
As I Sophie sit in meditation and receive access to my cellular memory, I couldn’t help but to ponder the deeper meanings of certain symbols that I see in my mind’s eye. The downloaded messages I receive in understanding not only dualistic meanings of things, but how profound sacred geometry truly is. When dealing with the conscious mind, I was reminded of the law of correspondence…as above so below. It brought me to the likeness of the 6 pointed star. Some called it the star of David; while others see it as a 2D representation of the merkabah or tetrahedron energy. We know and understand that true enlightenment starts in the mind. This makes perfect sense as the Pineal gland is considered the “seat of the soul”. It is this gland that activates the Third Eye causing thine eye to be single… Meaning focusing on the truth of life’s purpose, mission, or goal. All dreams, visions, and encounters with the Divine takes place in the mind as a “projected thought”. The question is “who’s projected thought are you encountering?”
As we make our way up from the lower realms to the higher realms, one must master the three basics of the triune to bring forth the attributes identified with as “good fruit”. Let’s look at the following triangle:

The above triangle is represented in the Kabballah tree as entering into the state of mastery. The Mother (wisdom) and the father (knowledge) brings forth the nature of understanding. Understanding allows you the means to accept Universal Principals, life, consciousness, and the divine. These are principals that should be mastered in the 3D realm in order to ascend to higher levels of consciousness. Once master this triune, then we head to another.

Mastering the first portion of the triangle of consciousness, leads to outward displays of the highest truth of consciousness (good fruit); with love heading the triangle. The reason we place love at the top is because it is the core principal of creation. Anything that is Created automatically becomes an extension of ourselves; so therefore we become proud of our creations, protective of our creations, and we cherish our creations. This is the same nature of what we refer to as GOD. But as we the creation start out on our journeys, we must learn these things and gain mastery over it. We learn what is harmful vs helpful. We learn what is righteous behavior vs debauchery. We bear children and learn how to care for others. We learn the value of kindness and the power of forgiveness. We experience pain, loss, sorrow as well as pleasure, abundance, and joy. We learn seasons, karmic expressions, and we gain the understanding that is necessary to maintain our walks and purpose. Once these things are understood, then we bear the fruits of the highest states of consciousness; love, truth, and righteousness.

Interestingly enough, the Merkabah was considered the chariot of the Gods. in English the Hebrew term merkabah/merkavah (Hebrew: מֶרְכַּב, מרכבה, and מִרְכֶּבֶת) relates to the throne-chariot of God in prophetic visions.
Now we want to consider the words of Tehuti when identifying universal principals “all is mental”. So lets consider that if encounters occur within the mental realms of thought, initiated by the Pineal Gland who can send projections to the Third eye, then it is possible that we can achieve ascension without having to leave the physical vessel. In other words, the light body, the access to other realms, the merkabah also resides within the mind. One can move through various states of consciousness, access different realms, and interact with the divine without never having to physically to ascend.
We live in constant states of evolution through varying processes of thoughts. When one master as level of consciousness, then the ascension occurs towards another. We are our own delay, as well as our own accelerated ascension…depending on whether we can master understanding of the nature of things, and live in the highest states. Ones ascension opens doorways to he brain that allows access to the unseen, the unknown, and the incomprehensible. Mastering that which is natural first, and then graduating to that which is spiritual helps us identify the complete man. When we do this, we are unlocking certain parts of the brain that was previously inaccessible to us. This gives us knowledge beyond the obvious, wisdom beyond the perceived, and understanding beyond the natural. This state of consiousness can be likened to “god-consciousness” as we have officially graduated from the mundane into the profound! Likewise, we ride the merkabah of absolute inner divinity and ascend to a point of vibration that others cannot follow. One must now ask themselves…was it really a physical ship that allows access to higher realms of existence…or is it done through the mind.~Sophie