What Mudras are and How to Create Your Own
Our Universe is made of 5 Basic elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether (Spirit). These are sometimes represented by the pentagram in the upright. Interestingly, enough, we use or fingers in the exact same way. Our fingers can emit electro-magnetic energy in the form or electrical currents and auric emissions that can promote cleaner consciousness, as well health and balance. When we utilize the fingers alongside our meditations, we are focusing on harnessing chi flow to send electrical currents to various points of the body. It is also a Universal Communication between the electromagnetic fields of the universe and our bodies. Here is an example of a Universal Mudra called “Salutations”.

This mudra is known all across the world in various religious cultures and societies. Christians are familiar with this Mudra and use it when it prayer. However, the ignorance of Mudras has resulted in many conspiracy theories, and demonic sects. This was never the case, although as with any thing can be used in a negative or positive way, Mudras were never presented for evil purposes.
Spiritual practitioners such as yoga instructors, monks, Reiki healers, Tai chi, and Qi Gong understand the importance of chi flow and breath. It’s interesting to see that mudras that we use everyday can be viewed as “evil”. It is no more evil than the breath you take. For one to say a mudra is evil because it promotes energy flow, would no doubt mean that energy itself is evil. We consider that ridiculous. Let’s Look at the fingers:

Understanding what fingers represent which element can assist us on our areas of focus. Mudras are not to be feared, as it was an ancient practice from our ancestors to bring energy into concentrated focus during prayer or meditation. Knowing which element to focus on depends on what it being accomplished. For instance elemental (earthbound energy) vs Etheric Energy (Heavens or cosmos). Below is a list of well-known mudras:

These well known mudras have been practiced universally across the world. They can be found in ancient religious texts as well as paintings. Are we suggesting that various ancestry and practices that include any mudra (outside of the prayer) is evil? If so, you better not use the salutations mudra…surely it would curse your prayers.

For Aeons, humanity was unable to advance because of the fear of the unknown factor deeply embedded within us due to strict religious observance. Those who wished to keep this knowledge to themselves did so to control the masses. Knowledge is power, therefore those who held the knowledge remained in power. Those with eyes to see can carefully discern that the plot was to demonize certain practices to the masses while secretly using them. Leaving humanity ignorant was the game plan after all. This is indeed why we perish.
Incorporating mudras with meditation creates a universal oneness; not only between us and the Creator, but with us and nature as well. We are no doubt created with the substances of the atmosphere around us. Therefore what happens to our atmosphere, happens to us. Keeping our auric field, energy flow, and cosmic influence not only heals us, it makes us whole.
Consecrating Mudras
I am going to give you a warning: I am unsure if this method will work for everyone. However, I am confident that it works for the Elohim on this planet. Those awake or unawake. With the understanding of how the body works, the elements work, and finger placements; one can create and consecrate their own mudras. Below are some of the mudras myself and others have created for our own meditations and healing journeys:

Here we see my brother creating his own Mudra representing the balance of mind, body, and soul.

Here we see my Sister KI utilizing her own mudra to represent internal balance. She uses this Charka when she’s feeling off balance and it wishes to bring inner peace. Notice the pointer(Air) and thumb(fire) fingers are pointed outward to release and burn.

Here is my son (very handsome son btw), utilizing his mudra of righteousness. Notice that he has the chin in both hands, and the crossing of the arms representing “thy rod and thy staff comforts me). This is also the pose seen by the statue Osiris. It is used to keep him upright during his day to day activities.

Here is the mudra I use to call forth divine justice on a matter. Mixed is the Shiva mudra for destruction, along with incorporating the Ether element (cosmos) into balance with the earth realm.

This is my mudra for Unconditional Love. This mudra reminds me that I am to operate in Universal Kindness as well as Unconditional Love. This mudra keeps me grounded in knowing that all things work for my good, and therefore it is ok to let go. I utilize this mudra when I’m feeling negatively about a person, place or situation.
To consecrate a mudra (for El’s Only), you must first feel and understand what the intention is behind the mudra you are creating. Once you have found the correct placements of fingers, what to expel, and what to invoke, you then send a prayer up to the Creator and ask if it could be stored in the Akashic records. Ask of the divine if he/she would bless your mudra for the intentions of what was stated. Once you get the “ok” then utilize your mudras in your meditiation.
DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL MUDRA? Email us at dragonlotusms@yahoo.com. Tell us what it means to you, and we will feature it!