The Alchemy Symbol of Duality
The Baphomet is one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Many believe that they have an understanding of this symbol. Others have deified the symbol (which is very possible to bring into reality with focus). However, originally this was simply an alchemy symbol showing the 3D realm of duality, and the law of correspondence.
History according to the Brittanica:
Baphomet, invented pagan or gnostic idol or deity that the Templars were accused of worshipping and that was later embraced by various occult and mystical writers.
The first known mention of Baphomet was in a letter written in 1098 by Anselm of Ribemont describing the Siege of Antioch during the First Crusade. Anselm stated that the Turks “called loudly upon Baphomet.” Most scholars believe that the word refers to Muhammad, the founder of Islam. In 1307 Philip IV of France had every Templar in France arrested, accusing them of such heretical acts as idolatrous worship of a bearded male head called Baphomet. By the 19th century Freemasons had also been (falsely) said to worship Baphomet.
In his book Dogme et ritual de la haute magie (1861; Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual), the influential French occultist Éliphas Lévi created the Baphomet that has become a recognized occult icon. The book’s frontispiece was a drawing of Baphomet imagined as a “Sabbatic Goat”—a hermaphroditic winged human figure with the head and feet of a goat that is adorned with numerous esoteric symbols. Lévi describes the meaning of each element of the drawing, which is defined by its profound and pervasive duality. British occultist Aleister Crowley also adopted Baphomet, notably in his “Gnostic Mass.” More recently, the Satanic Temple commissioned a statue of Baphomet, which was unveiled in 2015 and then moved to various places as a protest against displays of Ten Commandments monuments in public spaces.

Let’s examine the symbol itself so that we can take the fear out of this symbol. Understand that we have no such use for these things, but understanding the symbol can take the fear out of it knowing its purpose has been heavily perverted.
The symbol is a goat/human hybrid that represents the dual nature of man; both human and beast, in which one can achieve enlightenment. Illumination is represented by the torch on the head. The pentagram on the forehead is symbolic with mans relationship to the elements. These are earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.
We also see the wings of an angel and the horns of a devil, followed by a light and dark moon. The right arm points upward to the incorporeal world, while the left one points downward to the corporeal. On the right arm are written “solve” as in dissolve while the the left arm is written “coagula” meaning conjoin. This represents the alchemical process of breaking something down to its basic elements before creating something new.
We see on this symbol as well a womb representation as well as a phallus represented by the caduceus. This symbol is not the symbol of medicine, but was adopted as such later. It was originally designed to represent an ambassador, messenger, or herald.
The Baphomet sits upon a spherical object that could represent earth or authority over the realm of duality – the 3D realm. The hand mudras pointing up and down represents “as above so below” while the fingers represent “as within so without”. This is expressed by the right hand’s thumb being inward while the left hand’s thumb is outward.
What is the Fuss? How did it Become Deified?
Due to the nature of mans inability to comprehend what which is not understood, it is easy to misinterpret things. No doubt this symbol would appear scary to the uninitiated. But for those who understand the mysteries, this simply represents the very first stages of mans development…the first phase of the cycle. This is the matter of duality. Out of fear that this symbol may have been used for negativity, its meaning was hidden. Those who understood its meaning would have been considered heretical by the church, while clergy alone understood its meaning. Those trusted to understand how to balance their own dualities, have no fear ot the symbol. The symbol itself is not good nor evil. It is an understanding.
As the nature of the Universe is indeed mental, if enough of the collective believe it to be an actual deity, than surely it will manifest. Need further truth of our manifesting abilities? Then consider this story as further evidence of how we can collectively materialize conscious thought into matter.
Slender Man – Creepy Pasta

The origins of Slenderman – The Slender Man meme began in June 2009 when a competition on the comedy web forum Something Awful asked for ideas for a modern myth with which to terrify people. One contributor, Eric Knudsen, using the pseudonym Victor Surge, responded by posting two faked photographs, purportedly from the mid-1980s, showing a tall, sinister figure lurking behind groups of children. Knudsen attached some vague text suggesting 14 young people and the photographer had gone missing.
From the very beginning it was intended to be a meme – in the original sense of a replicating idea. Knudsen’s fragmented post prompted a creative outburst. Eventually thousands of people were making drawings and writing stories. Slender Man has appeared in video games, while Marble Hornets, the YouTube series featuring stories about him, is followed by more than half a million people. One academic has described his development as an “open-sourcing of storytelling”.
“It just exploded. It became a phenomenon that I don’t think anybody could have predicted,” says Jeff Tolbert, a folklorist from Indiana University, who has written about Slender Man.

In 2014, two 12-year-old Waukesha girls were charged with attempted first-degree intentional homicide for what police say was a plot, planned over months, to kill their classmate to appease Slender Man, a fictitious internet character.
The girls, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, stabbed their victim 19 times with a 5-inch blade. The victim, Payton Leutner, was left for dead before she crawled from some woods at a park to a trail where she was found by a passing bicyclist.
Geyser is allowed to have two friends over each year for her birthday. This year, she had a sleepover with Leutner and Weier. That is when she and Weier would try to kill their friend. After they awoke on May 31, the girls lure Leutner into the woods, tackle her and stab her, leaving her to die. Geyser and Weier are found hours later by police on the side of the road and tell investigators they are on their way to live with Slender Man. They are charged as adults the next day.
The case was coined as mental illness as it was obvious that Slenderman was a fictional character. However, this proves how ones consciousness focused on a place, person, or situation can cause it to manifest in the minds of the thinker. This is for both negative and positive situations. Could you imagine if the entire world were to think he were real? The focused thought would materialized as a collection of energies unified. Because energy cannot be destroyed, it would collect first in the subconscious mind, then the conscious mind focused to collect the energy of the intention into corporeal reality. Do you understand? This is how we can co-create.
Always pay attention to your thoughts. What are you manifesting for yourself?