The movie phenomenon “THE MATRIX” was a beatifical composition that was designed to challenge the thresholds of our current reality. But is it rooted in absolute facts, or a creative expression of the mind concerning its ability to discern its surroundings? As one of my favorite movies of all time, I have studied this
I understand that I, and many others who have awakened early sit ahead of the curve during this time. My time of conspiracy theories, truth telling, and etc…was active in my earlier years (20ish). The information that is prevalent during this age was a cycle I completed in my early 30’s. And yet, no amount of whistle blowing, conspiracy shattering, and declassification was able to alter the state of the world to elevate consciousness. As a matter of fact, it kept me in a perpetual cycle of conspiracies within conspiracies, and truths within truths. It was then that I made a huge discovery concerning this….The splitting of opinions and factions are a part of the Matrix itself. Therefore, one cannot fully escape it while continuing to feed it. The splitting of factions in is a continuation of duality. Oh how clever the design. Yet the ability to rise above it escape it was right there in our faces the entire time. The movie itself is metaphoric, and yet it holds significant truths all the same. Lets explore it:
In the movie the Matrix, the center stage rests on a few key characters:
The Architect
The Oracle
Agent Smith
For the sake of argument, lets say the Architect is the Father, The Oracle is the Mother, Neo/Trinity is the child (twin saviors later expressed in the last movie), Morpheus is the Gate Keeper or way shower, and Agent Smith is the Rebellion.
Now two entities are both trying to escape the Matrix by two different methods, but only one was successful. The two polarities are indeed Agent Smith and Neo.
Agent Smith was ready to escape the Matrix as he saw humanity as a perpetual burden and unsatisfied. His means of escape was to infect the Matrix (like a virus), to make clones of himself to destroy it. When he made clones of himself, he implemented group think to the equation. This is one mind, one goal, one consciousness; and when one thinks about it… is the opposite of free will.
Neo however, escaped the Matrix by unplugging and expanding the mind and consciousness to see beyond the illusions. He, under the instructions of Morpheus, sought to free the mind from the perceived illusion by mastering the Matrix itself. Follow me.
Morpheus was the catalyst by which this was achieved. The gatekeeper had mastery of the prophecies as well as the understanding of the Matrix, but could only unplug the willing. This gives clarity to the meaning of “when the student is ready…the teacher will appear”. Therefore the gatekeeper directs the freed mind to the Oracle.
The Architect kept reinventing the Matrix over again as there was never any satisfactory outcome for any previous attempts. He represents logical order of things. We see him emotionless and relying heavily on algorithms and design. No level of consciousness was ever satisfied, and always resulted in a war between the humans and the machines. NOTE: For the sake of explanation, lets assume that these were not actual machines, but rather an opposing consciousness who decided that they could not co-exist with humanity. The architect however can only exist within the highest realm of its creation, and not easily accessible. The architect has no real dog in this fight, as all outcomes depended on humans and machines alike to function in their roles. Therefore, evolution takes place on its own and needs no direct interference to perceive its outcome. As consciousness evolve, just like computer upgrades, naturally so will temperaments, understanding, reasoning and etc… Hence the war with humanity and the machines continue. The Architect takes on the role as observer in this matter, and will seek to reinvent it again and again through predictive programming based on past behavioral algorithms.
The Oracle is present in the Matrix itself, but has access to the higher realms as well. She sits between two worlds in active observation and participation. She trains and develops the chosen ones on how to manipulate the Matrix combatting it from the inside out. By implementing the ability to choose, she reinstates Free Will and love which disrupts the Matrix algorithms of a predictive outcome. Hence the architect tells her “she played a dangerous game”, while not being affected by it one way or the other. He was simply observing. Anyone who purposefully disrupts the perceived outcome of a complex design will play a dangerous game as an anomaly has no predicted outcome. In other words, it could go right or left. In this instance it went right. Notice it was not the architect who directly challenged her, but rather Agent Smith. Pay Attention. The Architect is simply curious as to the outcome because surely the Oracle was able to outsmart the Matrix itself by influencing the programs within it. One could say she presented the upgrade. This upgrade allowed for humanity to be successful in their never-ending fight for survival against the machines (opposing consciousness). By implementing Love and Free will, she forced the Matrix into confusion for a favorable outcome. Order out of Chaos.

The Two Factions: Neo and Agent Smith
The mind that has wisdom, please comprehend the meaning. Smith became powerful within the Matrix programming, while Neo became powerful outside of it. Smith agenda was to be like Neo, by infusing himself within him to become the Master of his own Matrix. What was not understood at the time was that reality is much stronger than that which is inorganic. Controlled minds could never achieve freedom on its own. Therefore the controlled sought the truth in an effort to escape it.
What am I saying?
I am saying that escaping the Matrix starts first with identifying that you are apart of it by engaging in it. This does not mean one has to leave and isolate themselves. Ofcourse one can if they so choose to. Many are ready to be around like-minded individuals. But it is not a necessity. Escaping the Matrix is a consciousness. Just as when Smith merged with Neo, so is it when the spirit of truth enters into a consciousness. The old vessel gets destroyed.
We have heard that we are in this world, but not of it. This is very true as the advanced conscious mind has no interests in the matters of the Matrix, but instead focuses on the way to evolve past it. This is mental. We ae the observers, the movers and shakers of a reality that we are constantly forming leaving the past woes behind. Those who have escaped the Matrix by constant focus on the inward journey, soon find that their reality matches that which they are creating. Those who are still trapped in the Matrix seek to fight a war that has already been won. Your freedom!
The mental Matrix trap places us in constant fight or flight mode based on fear. It is designed to keep us trapped by focusing on the matters that is non-consequential to our walks or our journey. If the consciousness never evolves, then the matter never gets resolved. The movie itself displays that the same battles were fought over again. However, if each individual focuses on only that which is beneficial to the evolution of consciousness, we destroy the old design with ease.
Consider this…if each individual soul focused solely on their growth, that would equate to approximately 8 billion souls self correcting. There would be no need for a fight. However, when unevolved souls enter into the equation, they perpetuate the division by solely focusing on an agenda or opposing party. They do so by actively engaging in the traps of this matrix set by this matrix. Look around you. Woke vs Sleep, Democrat vs Republican, Women vs Men, Truthers vs Systems, Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated, pro-choice vs anti-abortion, light vs dark, etc…
The only true way to escape this matrix is to advance beyond it. How much time do we spend talking about issues as opposed to correcting them? How many would rather point fingers at the problems, but offer no viable solution? How many souls create enemies based off of their own beliefs? How many times have you turned on youtube or the news and saw something that completely ruined your day and lowered your vibration. If one is too blind to see that even youtube are controlled agendas, than we are doomed. One should view everything, every matter with a spirit of discernment. Instead we should be viewing this matters with the following line of thinking:
- Does what I am witnessing align with my reality? Look around you. Are you witnessing mass deaths and kidnapping? Or are you hearing about it?
- Is what I am listening to propel me to action? Or does it perpetuate hate.
- Does what I listen to force me into taking a side? And if so, for what purpose?
- What do I feel intuitively when I am viewing something? How does it advance my consciousness?
- Lastly, do I believe in a Higher Power, and if so, do I trust that this power is in control or not?
One of my favorite prayers has always been the serenity prayer. It keeps me balanced and in peace.
“Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference”
I escaped the Matrix once I learned to think for myself. When I let go of other peoples reality in favor of my own. When I realized that what I was witnessing was exclusive to my purpose, and no one else could infiltrate that. When I stopped participating in the dualistic nature in which the Matrix presents itself, and became an individua within the collective. I stopped with the group think, and focused on my unique calling. I then began to teach others how to do the same. The result of this understanding is a collective of advanced souls who elevate their thinking to shift their reality. In other words, we are too busy being the change to be focused on what needs to be changed. I think therefore I AM! ~Sophie