Sometimes when we meditate, we may realize that we have a hard time focusing. Images, songs, and nonsense will start to flood the mind. We are told to refocus and dismiss these thoughts. However, many times these thoughts are hidden in the subconscious mind. We may or may not understand where these random thoughts come from, therefore dismissing the thoughts are never the answer.
Buried within the subconscious mind, are hidden truths that the conscious mind buried in an effort to protect us from the trauma that we may not have been ready to face. But when they resurface, and emotions appear to come from out of nowhere, it leaves us confused and imbalanced. We are told to dismiss these thoughts, but yet they continue to resurface. Instead of dismissing, you should slow down the thought and focus in on it. Ask the appropriate questions: Why is the thought here? What does the thought represent? Where did the thought come from?
Many unhealed childhood wounds from yesterday, manifest in todays reality; Causing a shift in our life’s perspective, our thoughts, our relationships with others, our trust, and our sense of peace. We must take the time to address these things in order to transform to the version of ourselves who becomes the masters of our destiny. Are you imbalanced? Are you too forgiving allowing others control over your life? Are you too untrusting missing opportunities to advance your growth? Are you too stubborn limiting your mind’s ability to expand? Are you too angry unable to see the beauty beyond the pain?
Believe it or not the mind is the most powerful tool used to control reality. It is limitless throughout time and space. Do you believe that you can rewrite your history in the mind and heal the thoughts of today by focusing on the pain of yesterday. This can allow us to reshape the conscious thought, therefore altering timelines and events that effect us today. One method to do this is mental alchemy by visiting the past and altering the chain of events to work in your favor instead of against it. Try this prayer:
I wrap my mind, body, and soul in the purest truth of incorruptibility. (when we say incorruptibility, we are to visualize the highest and purest light from the divine purging out all negativity from our bodies). I am ready to confront the pain of yesterday that has limited my ability to think, act, and love in a righteous manner. I am healed, whole and complete and I am in full partnership with the Divine and my highest purpose. Allow me to see what my soul has carefully hidden in order that I may correct the issues of the past. (If you subscribe to a deity, this is the time to ask for help. You can use Jesus, The Most High, God, Holy Spirit, Ancestor or etc).
This is the part that can get hard for some, so it is a warning. Also, you may not get the answers at the exact moment. It depends on how vulnerable you are with the Universe at the moment of the prayer. It may come at once, it may be revealed little at a time. You should find a peaceful and quiet spot to sit in meditation during the time you say the prayer. You can use a childhood connection (such as an old toy, a favorite song, or even revisiting the home). Start addressing the issues that you DO remember while other events may be revealed. For instance, I visited little Vella during the times she was alone and afraid of the dark. During the times when she was seeing demons, angels, and the crossed over souls and did not have anyone to talk to about it). Little Vella was like the kid in the Sixth Sense movie, and grew up Christian. Pastors and evangelists would instruct my mother and grandmother to have me renounce my gifts claiming they were from the devil. It never worked. Therefore I grew up with spiritual PTSD…never knowing who to trust, and questioning everything that I didn’t learn in church.

As I visualized approaching my younger self, I saw her crying in the corner. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. I reminded her that she was innocent, and nothing was her fault. I reminded her that her family was ignorant to what was happening, and therefore handled things in the only way they knew how. I told her that she was strong, brave, and innocent That she was God’s chosen and was being prepared for upcoming battles. I told her that she was more powerful than she knew, and that she could use her powers to chase the bad guys away. I had my younger self practice stomping her feet and pushing our energy in her hands. I taught her how to say “NO!!! Leave me alone. I belong to GOD. I am stronger than you, and I am unafraid!” As my younger self started stomping her feet and pushing out energy in her hands, she became bold and fearless. She knew she was special. I taught her that she was here to do big things and nothing would be able to stop her. I let her see angels around her. She became a warrior!
This can help in all areas…molestations, abuse and etc. You must remind your younger self that they are innocent. You must inform your younger self of the sickness on this earth, and how you are here to change it. You must teach them how to forgive the sick ones because they are being influenced, and that they will become a living testimony by becoming healed, restored, and able to teach others how to heal.
When one does this, you will experience a shift in your perspective and reality. As you start to heal the subconscious mind, you can alter the timeline events to work in your favor. Today, I am bold and fearless. Today I can stand with others or alone. Today I can identify a gifted child. Today I can see trauma on others. Today I AM. Continuing the prayer:
I understand now what my assignment is on this earth, and how significant I am to the Universe. I overcome every trial, tribulation, pain, hurt, trauma, and insecurity that has attached itself to me as a statement of my identity. Today I take back control of my existence and define who I am. Not anyone else. My struggles become lessons, my pain becomes empowerment, my fear becomes my strength, my trauma becomes my transformation, my anger becomes understanding and growth. I activate the highest frequency of love to operate in my life. I am no longer the victim…I am the victor!
You may end this prayer however you are led. Amen, Selah, Ase’, Namaste, in Jesus Name however you are comfortable. Just be confident that the Divine hears you and is working with you to accomplish these things. You will heal. Take the journey and do the work.
Thank You -Sophie