Mission Statement

We are here to shift your consciousness to a higher level of understanding. We are here to assist all in becoming a fully balanced being, and assist in becoming sovereign unto the Creator by discovering the divinity from within. Our mission is to assist in the souls evolution by awakening dormant DNA within the body in all areas; mind, body, spirit, and soul.

” If you don’t learn to think for yourself; someone will do the thinking for you.”


We promote independent thought as not all people will think or process information alike. This is the heart of our mission. Each one teach one according to the gifts given to them to promote a balanced society. Each nation, civilization, and school of thought was given specified knowledge to assist them in becoming one balanced with God. We all hold a piece of the puzzle. Collectively we can combine these resources, knowledge, skills, and understanding to perfect the collective as a whole.

“Knowledge is given, wisdom is experienced, and understanding perfects the balance; bringing forth the Divine Child…understanding.”

~ Sophie

Ancient texts have been found all over the world pre-dating Christian religions. As a former preacher/minister, the Bible is my principal foundation (corner stone) that I have built upon. But we know and understand that it was never complete and that there were texts that existed outside of that. Approximately 30,000 ancient tablets existed prior to the standard bible, many that have not been translated. Therefore we find it unreasonable to believe that the summary of our existence can be summed up in 66 books of the bible thus reinforcing the scriptures that read:

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6 and

“Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. Mat 7:7

Therefore the seeker of truth shall have pathways opened for them, and knowledge given to them. This should be done with the purest of heart and love. This is the path to self discovery. This is the path to truly understand our Creator. This is the path to Equilibrium.