Services Offered

Dragon Lotus Meta-Spiritual Society is more than a place of learning, but a place to heal, grow, and evolve as a divine being. We offer products that are wholistic, fair trade, and healing. Our focus is mind, body and soul. Here is what you can expect from us:

  1. Chakra Teas– A natural herbal blend of plants and roots catered to target each chakra for healing both physically and spiritually. Each box of tea comes with a special prayer and meditation hand written by Sophie intuitively to aid in the healing journey.
  2. Mini Meditation Kits – For the beginner of this awakening, we are offering mini meditation kits pre-set up to teach the newly awakened on the purpose of meditation and transmutation.
  3. Anointing Oils – These are for the prayerful. These oils help rid of negative energy, cleanse the body, and expelling dark entities. Also can be used to bless others.
  4. Jewelry – Represent your tribe by proudly displaying your spiritual heritage. These are just a reminder of who you are.
  5. Meditation Circles– We manifest as individuals and in circles with like minded people. Our manifestation meditation circles are design to train our minds on how to co-create with the divine.
  6. House Cleansing – New home? Or haunted one? If there is a negative entity in your house, contact us to ritually cleanse it. (Please allow for 72 hours upon request as this takes a specific diet to do so and not feel drained of energy. Remember this is warfare).
  7. Mudra Healing – We assist in healing energetically by using mudras to remove blockages, ailments, and activate dormant DNA.
  8. Aura Sprays – This is for casual use. We have a unique blend of herbs consecrated and blessed to assist in your everyday life. Job interview? Spray a mist to give you the extra courage that you need. We have a variety of sprays for any occasion. They are all fragrant.
  9. Counseling Session – Book me for 30min or an hour to assist you in an energetic reading straight from the divine to you. Sometimes your ancestors come through to give a message. Be prepared to hear things about yourself, lineage, or divine purpose. (I do not use tarot decks or oracle cards).
  10. Ask Sophie – This is a free advice column that is catered to address general questions. Please allow up to 48 hours to address your question. This is not the same as a channeled message. NOTE: This column will be for all who visits the site to see. If it is personal, I would suggest booking a session instead.