Pacing Evolution Throughout Life Cycles
The number 7 has been highlighted in various ages and cultures as a significant number of the Divine…also symbolizing closing out divine cycles. We notice 7 in the following:
7 Chakras
7 Ages of Man
7 Virtues
7 Spirits of God
7 Churches
7 Wonders of the World
7 Heads of the Dragon and etc…
Along with the scriptural references of 7, we notice that the humanity’s growth cycles are divide in 7’s as well. When we understand the cycles of 7, it eases us into completion of growth from child to adulthood. However, becoming stuck in a specific cycle stunts growth if it is not closed out properly prior to entering into a new cycle. This results in lack of maturity.
“Ever meet someone who is well into their adult ages, but still has a mindset of a teenager or child? This is due to their incompletion of a life cycle that carries over into the next phase without properly closing out the previous one. Let me Explain:

We understand that the root chakra is the foundation. But did you also know that it is tied into the first 7 years of your life? Here we will go through the life cycles, and man’s evolutionary journey to perfection.
Ages 0-7 ROOT: It has been stated that Mother is GOD in the eyes of a child. And this statement is true as the child gets its nutrients from the mother, and the Mother is intuitively attached the child. This relationship allows the Mother to understand the various cries of the child in an effort to meet non-verbal needs. You must understand that the child’s personality develops within the first 7 years of their life. Therefore any unwarranted or negative behaviors must be addressed in this first cycle. This brings understanding of the phrase ” Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
It becomes increasingly difficult to change the mindset of the child the older he/she gets as its foundations have already been set. During the first 7 stages of the child’s life, the child learns the natural order of things. The root is tied into the child’s stability, safety, confidence, and ethics. Therefore it is our duty as parents to set the course in a positive manner. It is recommended that we should begin talking to the child in the womb. African cultures, and others, take careful pride in naming their children. When we name our children, we are establishing their path to success (whether we know it or not). Naming is a significant part of the process. It is a form of declaration over the child’s life. Also, it is during this phase of life we set order. This could be done by implementing chores, establishing responsibility, and teaching the value of a dollar. When we fail to offer a stable and healthy environment; when the child starts to reach adulthood it reflects in the character of the adult. This could result in lack mentalities, distrust, scarcity, narcissism, entitlement, toxic behaviors and etc. The first 7 years are the most important in this journey.
Ages 7-14 SACRAL: Now that the personality has already been developed (either positive or negative) the second phase of life is where we cultivate the sense of self. It is dreaded hormonal phase of the journey. During this time we learn how to cultivate our emotional health. For instance if certain boundaries where not set in the first cycle, then here is where you may start to experience defiance and rebellion. During this phase, the child is entering pre-stages of adulthood. For women, menstrual cycles may start during this phase. In males, they become curious in sexuality, and experience nocturnal emissions. It is important that during this phase of the cycle that parents support creative expressions of their child in a healthy manner. It is also during this phase that many candid communications in regards to sex and hormones take place. Failure to do both of these things can cause an unhealthy expressions of the sense of self, or feeling unsupported.
Ever had a dream when you were young to do something and was told that it was unrealistic or unattainable? What happens to that dream? It doesn’t simply go away, it becomes buried. When then happens, the child may feel forced to focus on things outside of their hearts soul purpose for the sake of “attainability or normalcy”. Even if they are successful, it still may result in feeling unfulfilled.
Ages 14-21 Solar Plexus: Now remember when I said the we need to set the foundation of the child during the first cycle of life? Between the ages of 14-21 is when we see the fruits manifest in our children. This is the phase of development when we establish our confidence, self-worth, and healthy ego. The ego is necessary to establish individuality within a collective whole. Remember we are not clones, so therefore we were not meant to be exactly alike. A healthy ego allows us to self-express to the world who we are, and what part we play in the grand scope of things. During this phase of development, we start establishing relationships and finding our purpose within society or social groups. Those with underdeveloped foundations, could result in becoming egotistical, or developing social anxieties. Those who have a difficult time finding their place in society, can start to view society in an unhealthy way. When we don’t established foundations early on, the pre-adult may find comfort in finding their sense of belonging in one’s peers. Gangs, groups, unhealthy sexual expressions, and etc… formulate during this phase.
Ages 21-28 Heart: We are considered adults in this phase. This phase is when we start to establish our own relationships independent of the parents advice. We learn in this phase how to give and receive love. Remember in the first stages of life, we are the observer. This includes how we view marriages and family relationships. The second phase is when we find our sense of self. So during this phase is when we start to express what our views of relationships should be by mirroring what we have experienced. If we were raised in a toxic family dynamic, then surely it could be duplicated. The victim can repeat harmful patterns in their own relationships. However, it is during this phase that we have the choice to learn from our experiences to correct bad behavior, or repeat it. Remember it is this phase that we implement all that we have experience prior, to set out on our own. We learn what gives us peace, and what gives us pain. Many mistakes or made during this phase of life, but the mistakes are necessary for growth.
Ages 28-35 Throat: Here is where we are fully into our adulthood journey. The throat chakra gives voice to the heart. During this phase, we start going into deep self -reflection from all the experiences we have encountered to discover our personal truth. I used to always say “The 20’s is where I made all of my mistakes, the 30’s is where I self reflected on my actions, and by my 40’s, I am clear on what I want and need in life”.
During this phase we are able to fully express our individuality in boldness and confidence based on our own journeys. This is the phase when we really start to establish healthy boundaries, and we begin to gravitate to like minded individuals. Many have established their own family dynamics during this time. If the lessons were learned from the past, we establish our own rules in regards to family that may differ from our upbringing. In this phase we have developed our “identity” which may differ from the ego expression as we have balanced out our true nature. This allows us full control over our communication, expression, and nature. Also during this phase is when we start to question the value and purpose of life. It is typically during this phase that we start to desire something “higher” or start on journey into the spiritual man.
Ages 35-42 Third Eye: During this phase we start to really question the bigger purpose of life, and the desire to really connect with a higher source starts to manifest. (Master age 33 starts the journey, but does not mean that you are fully walking in it at that age). This phase is where we typically find out about or souls journey in connection to the divine. Because of the journey of our lives, we have more confidence in our ability to move mountains as we seek the highest truth. The physical views of life give way to the spiritual meanings of life purpose. It is during these years that we truly start to seek and operate in our higher nature. We desire a relationship with the divine as the meaning of life becomes an aching pain in our subconscious. We have developed the confidence in the earlier phases, so this phase we walk in our truths. And because of the pendulum swings of life prior to this age, we are well equipped to understand what is important, and what is not.
Ages 42-49 Crown: With the lessons learned, one should have mastery over their life’s journey at this time. We have sorted out trauma, losses, and gains, as well as what we find important verse irrelevant. We should be mature in our understanding, and are fully aware of our place in the Universe. We have grown in wisdom concerning love, relationships, careers, spirituality, and etc…During this phase we also start the foundational processes over again with our children and grandchildren. We pass down our wisdom to the next generation thereby breaking generational curses or issues of the past. We become balanced in our understanding, and are prepared to teach higher ways. Our relationships with the divine are fully established during this time. Congratulations! We have made it through the cycles of life!
Now, many of us were not privy to these cycles in our upbringing. We may have underdeveloped areas that were not addressed resulting in immaturity in one or more areas. It is ok. We can always correct these things in later cycles once we have identified what areas where underdeveloped. This is when the real healing begins. Balancing our chakras during shadow work can help correct this. It is never too late to begin a new journey…especially if it is for our highest good.
If you feel that there is a chakra that is underdeveloped or misunderstood, please feel free to contact me and I will assist you on your healing journey.
I am Sophie and I love you all….