Whereas I pondered at the rate of evolution of one’s soul, and have come to great understanding. The Law of rhythm and dharma is measured at the exact same frequency. The polarity is each individual is measured by its own soul. Case in point, the pendulum swing to the left will always be equal to its opposite. This means that the greatest of men can also be the worse of men in it’s opposite. Likewise, the most loving of hearts could be the most hateful as well. If we consider a sphere within a sphere, within a sphere and so on until it reaches a point of singularity, in the middle is the evolution of ones soul; then the goal would be to get centralized. The lesser the swing, the steadier the soul. This ofcourse would be the goal of equilibrium when ones brain is no longer fragmented, nor compartmentalized. This is when the outward man no longer lashes out in displays of temperament, but rather is more expressed as “moods” as we all experience displeasure.
But it takes the disciplined mind to experience this type of peace that is only achieved through difficulties and failures. The mountain lion becomes more aggressive when its hungry. That’s survival in the animal kingdom. Why Is that many of us think the same way?

View the above circle. Now imagine that each ring is a soul lessen. When the pendulum swings, it targets its complete opposite polarity which results in the measure being of equal degrees. The wider the swing, the more extreme the measure. The shorter the swing, the lesser the measure. Thus the more we give focus to, the more it shapes our own reality and governs our inner truth.
The soul reaches equilibrium when the spirit consciousness start to balance out the soul, lessening the extremities of the poles. This takes place when the baby soul starts to advance in understanding through life difficulties and obstacles. The baby soul throws tantrums when they realize that they can’t control the outcomes of their own outputs. Therefore, the anger becomes directed outward instead of inward. The baby soul lashes at society, circumstances, and everything other than self. The advanced soul resonates with acceptance as the advance soul understands that all things work for their good…even challenging times. The advanced soul becomes a mental alchemist, as it works it way toward lessening the degrees of the swing, thus achieving centralization. The advanced soul, takes the hardship as a form of soul evolution, therefore it no longer feels the need to fight against its own existence. It simply just IS and gravitates only towards that which serves it highest good.
Those who seek to become in partnership with GOD or the ultimate divine source, must understand the ALL Mind and the Universal Principals which govern all realities…not just the ones we identify with. The advance soul seeks the questions of other realities to understand why things work for the many and not just the few.
Once one is able to identify the nature of a principal, then the advanced soul utilizes that principal towards their advantage as well as the masses. One stops seeking approval from others as they become their own expert in the matters of their own existence, and only seeks to help enlighten others.
Knowing of GOD and knowing GOD is indeed two different things. The baby soul seeks GOD outside of oneself. The advanced soul knows that GOD is found within oneself as an expression of his/her vastness. The ALL and the NO-Thing simultaneously. ~Sophie