Listed below are the New Earth laws in which humanity is to be governed as well as governing themselves. I am simply acting as a logos upon the earth presenting what was agreed upon to the inhabitants of the earth. These laws will be split up in sections, and were decided upon by scrutiny of the past, present, and future. As I venture into higher levels of consciousness, I was able to witness as well as participate in complex algorithms that I am unable to duplicate on this earth realm (our higher souls are so much smarter). These complex algorithms were based from social studies of the human condition and predictive outcomes. Although not without imperfection, we believe that humanity is perfectly capable of governing themselves with right knowledge and understanding. Therefore the algorithms are imperfect due to the anomaly or variable that may present itself at any given moment. Yet, based off your joint collective prayers, concerns, and needs the councils have concluded these matters:
- In the matter of Free will: Free will is granted in conjunction to Universal Law and principals to keep balance and order. However, those who infringe or manipulate others free will (such as spell casting or mind control) will have their free will removed from them, and subjected to the most basics of laws; losing their right of choice until proper understanding and clarity is achieved. This will be upheld to the degree of the intention of the manipulator, and will be governed by the Karma Lords (the left hands of God) to achieve justice in the matter.
- In the Matter of Government: Humanity shall have the right to elect fairly peoples amongst themselves (regardless of parties, backgrounds, affiliations, and or experience) as representatives in political manners. Instead of a two party system, humanity can choose to elect an official that represents a nation, tribe, ethnicity etc… to uphold their own views and integrity. Therefore all nations and tribes are represented as a counsel as a opposed to a Kingship/Presidency. Governments shall be open to the people, and policies fully disclosed Open forums are held in various areas for all to attend and make righteous decisions on how one wishes to be governed. We end the political charades and biases.
- In The Matter of Nations: Each nation reserves the right to govern and operate with and for its own people as they see fit. No nation shall infringe upon the sovereign rights of another based off their own principal beliefs. If a citizen of said nation disagrees with the governance of that nation, let the disagreeable party gather information to prove their case before the counsels of said nation for a policy review. If the disagreeable party is outnumbered, the disagreeable party has the right (free from bias or law) to renounce its citizenship in favor of another nation whose ideals match closer with their own. This promotes harmonious living. The receiving nation shall not turn them away as long as the proposed citizen is agreeable to that nation.
- In the Matter of Self-Defense. No longer is self-defense an automatic judgement against the law of “turn the other cheek” but must be taken by a case by case basis. The Law of self preservation and protection is inherently embedded within us in conjunction with the law of love. For if it was written “there is no greater love than a man that lays down his life for his brother”, than surely this must include protection of ones family and loved ones. The man cannot be held accountable for defending his children unto death. And in the case of preserving oneself, the man can defend himself unto death if his death threatens the livelihood of his/her loved one (i.e their own death will result in the deaths of his family). While this is not the preferred method of resolution as it can induce Karma if not backed up by a higher law, we understand that one naturally strives to protect the ones that they love. This is apparent in all kingdoms including the animal kingdoms as well as the celestial. Let man make up his own mind in regards to that, and let it be judged according to its sincerity of the matter. For the man who chooses not to return violence with violence and leave it up to the divine to allow their loved ones to get hurt, will surely escape karmic expressions of the afterlife…but may dwell in mental torment of allowing it. Thus having a hard time healing and moving forward. For such man may be ridden with shame and guilt. Neither solutions are without consequences.
- In Regards to Religious/Spiritual Expressions: Religious and Spiritual Expressions are lawful as an individuals unique manner in which they relate to the Creator source. Religion and practices were given to the unlearned and unrighteous in regards to the do’s and don’ts of living. It was implemented to train the mind in areas of righteous thinking until ultimately the being becomes sovereign, and able to achieve harmonious/balanced living amongst one another without it. Some souls are in need of structure while others are not. Some souls are agreeable to the tenants of their ancestry, customs, and etc…and wish to preserve them. Who are we to deny that? However in regards to religious practices, the whole of the matter should always be rooted in the golden rule, as practices do not have to be repeated to learn from them. In the New Earth, all men will have their way of communicating with the Creator, and pushing only one way to navigate that would be in error. Religious and Spiritual practices will naturally evolve overtime as the mind, soul, and spirit evolves; eventually removing the necessity all together. But it is up to the individual’s soul journey to know when it is time. Therefore the removal of these things should not be forced, but a greater level of understanding of these things should be encouraged.
- In Regards to Ethnic Integration: We do not deem it necessary to force ethnic integration (races merging), however we leave this up to the human. Each human are to gravitate to their own muse, life partner, and spouse according to the agreeableness of their journey. This could include interracial relationships, or not. It is solely up to the human to choose who best fits their walk of life. Interracial relationships shall be held no higher or lower than racial relationships according to ones purpose.
- In Regards to Correctional Facilities: All correctional facilities shall be equipped with therapy according to the accused crime. Prisons shall be limited in population, and shall expand in actual buildings. Each state, nation, or country shall judge what method of treatment shall assist in rehabilitation according to the psychological profile. This could include psychology, psychiatry, meditations, wholistic health, counseling, higher learning, conflict-resolution strategies, and basic human dignity. Upon completion of term, no released criminal shall be banned from obtaining a new life based on the crimes of the past. Each rehabilitated persons should have a fair and equal opportunity to reintegrate with society. First time felons should not have their records disclosed to prevent them from buying, selling, or working to obtain a quality of life. He who is without sin cast the first stone.
- In regards to Economics: The basics of human rights should not be ignored. This is food, clothing, and shelter. Water and electricity can be obtained from natural resources and should be free and easily obtainable to all of humanity. Credit ratings should be obliterated in favor of payment plans available to everyone. Income tax is to be removed in favor of sales tax for community, beautification, and assistance to others.
Spirit Guides and Angels Native to the Earth
- Spirit Guides and Angels who did not fulfill their purpose on earth in the material will have the opportunity to ascend based off of their service to humanity. Any lessons unlearned or unachieved while on earth can opt to assist humans to achieve what they failed to accomplish. Spirit Guides and Angels are to guide humanity correctly in the areas in which they failed. Angels and Spirit guides are able to contact “sensitive” humans who can communicate with them to inspire humans in achieving their highest potential, thus raising their own vibrations in the process. Spirit Guides can also learn from humans as well if the human are of higher knowledge. In this area we raise one another in our ascension process.
- Spirit Guides and Angels should not engage in the harming of other humans by engaging in spells, witchcraft, and curses. Spirit Guides and angels are under the direction of the Creator and not mankind. Should a spirit guide or angel native to the earth engages in the harming of a human, and that human is found innocent, the guide or angel must bear the Karma alongside of the human who sent them. Therefore they will not be able to ascend along with the human who wishes to do harm. Instead of harming humans, the spirit guide or angel should discourage this behavior, or utilize the karmic laws to reflect such spells back to the sender in an effort to teach the human what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Spirit Guides and angels should seek the Creator in this manner on what the best course of action should be.
- The focus of the spirit guide or angel that is earthbound is no doubt to educate the humans in the matters of the divine by serving as mentors in an effort to clean their own karma, and escape the earth realm.
To The Earthbound Fallen – Reincarnated
- The angels who were given amnesty of the crimes against humanity has incarnated to have a human experience in an effort to cleanse their Karma, and assist humans on their ascension journeys. These angels have dual missions on this earth: 1. To experience the same laws that were given to judge humanity to assess its fairness, capabilities, and remove that which no longer serves humanity. This is a hidden meaning behind “Judge not, that ye be not judged. [2] For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mat 7 Therefore the Fallen ones will experience the same judgment measures that they used for humanity. 2. To redirect worship of the angels back to the Sovereign Creator.
- A Fallen angel may not ascend until he/she educates its followers to the Sovereign truth about the Creator, and inspires humanity to take the focus off of themselves. Only in that manner will a Fallen one be able to ascend back to their first estate. ( We are in the process of this now).
- Fallen angels who were released with amnesty has partnered with the Creator to assist, guide, and protect their assigned humans. Fallen Angels have the capabilities of sharing secrets and deep knowledge to the humans that they deem responsible and worthy of the information as long as it does not harm the humans ascension process or disrupt their relationship with their Creator.
- Fallen angels are responsible for mastering their own dualities on this realm, as well as teaching humanity how to do the same.
Star Seeds and Elohim not Native to this Earth
- Any non-native Starseed are subjected to the Laws and Ordinances of this Universe as instructed upon entering in. Each Universe or world has its own governance for specific reasons. Starseeds who are not used to such ordinances may find it difficult to abide by. However, just as we do not enter another’s house and change its rules, neither can non-natives enter into this realm seeking to disrupt the balance of this world. Remember the Sovereign Creator is responsible for all emanations, and therefore governance is carefully orchestrated based on the needs of such world. TO disrupt the balance is considered rebellious and unrighteous. Make sure that any issues that one faces while in this house address he master of the house first to seek understanding and reconciliation.
- Non-Native starseeds are educated in advance concerning the nature and ordinances of this realm. There is an agreement between the Elohim who governs this realm and the visitors. Unfortunately, some forget when condensing to a 3D existence. It is the duty of the Elohim of this realm to educate the non-natives of the ordinances governing this realm and why. Humanity’s evolution is a slow process, and a training ground as one of the baby species of the Cosmos. Any issues with rebellion due to lack of understanding will result in expulsion from this planet.
- Non-natives of this planet agree to the Universal Laws of this earth including the Law of gender. In the realm of duality, the genders are split into material as a physical representation of this law. As above…so below. While some consciousness are genderless and androgynous, it is not so on this realm of matter. This is designed to teach humanity the importance of family, relationships, and gender balance. This is the realm of procreation, therefore rather or not we may be genderless in spirit form, in the world of matter it is not so.
Take care…There is more to come as I am being updated by the higher counsels. Make sure to check in periodically for any updates on the matter.