How to Reconcile with the Past to Escape the Karmic Loop.
What is a Paradox? The definition of paradox is expressed in this manner: a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.
We learn about the paradoxes of life through ancient ancestral writings such as the Kyballion in the Principal of polarity which states: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”
The paradoxes of life is expressed in those who are multi-dimensional. How can one exist in the past, present, and future simultaneously; and yet we know that in higher existences, time does not exist. Is it possible to reconcile the past while in the future moment; therefore altering the courses of events in your life today? The answer is a resounding YES! Lets first deal with duality.

This is the nature of duality. The higher state and the lower state. Instead of viewing this as four different beings, what if these are the same beings in dual states of consciousness…the alter ego. We must remember that both natures reside in each individual soul. The lower man resides in the denseness of the material world, and has the ability to forget his higher nature. While the higher nature is connected to the spiritual world and the divine. The duty of man is to connect with the higher consciousness to be reconciled with the divine (higher states). Thus is the paradox of the soul of man.
Ever read a story that mirrors your exact life at the moment? Ever read stories in the ancient texts that you are genuinely experiencing? Does certain circumstances trigger your current existence and a memorable mindset? You are possibly experiencing dual existence.
When I first read the accounts of Inanna, I felt a deep connection with her. Afterwards after reading the Pistis Sophia, I saw the exact experience playing out in real time. (Those of you who relate to Sophia Christ Consciousness may experience situations where you feel like you are being sacrificed for the greater good). This in of itself is the greatest expression of love, but the fruit that comes forth from it was not good. What will you do in this lifetime?
In order to reconcile the paradoxes of your path, you must identify with yourself in the story. What was the mindset? What was the decision? And most importantly what was the outcome? I teach others to follow the trends and habits in your own life’s journey. You must stop repeating the same patterns of the past, present, and future. It is asinine to think that repeating the same behaviors will bring about a different outcome. Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat it; thus trapping them here in another karmic cycle. Those who reconcile with the past, will evolve to higher states of consciousness.
What if you found out that you were the bad guy/girl in a previous life? Will you simply accept your fate? Or will you work to change the outcome by correcting the mistakes of the past at the exact same time? This is what is meant when Tehuti states “two extremes meet”. This is the merging of the higher self, and the lower self to balance out the equation.
Since polarity has everything to do with perspective, we balance out the equation by the lessons learned from both polarities creating an equilibrium in the consciousness. There are lesson learned in the lower nature, as well as in the higher nature. You must find the balance.
For those who believe that they cannot reconcile the past through actions of the now, you must understand that these are they who are limited and restricted to the material world’s sense of time. Those of us who are not confined by these limitations by elevating their consciousness outside of the material restraints of this reality, you have the ability to alter and cleanse the past by the decisions that you make today. Thus breaking generational curses and operating in a clean slate. Please understand me.
It is this reconciliation that villains become heroes, that the unjust can purify their light, and that all can be reconciled to their highest estate…that which was lost and now found. Let he who has understanding listen.