What did the Ancients Know?
There has been great debates concerning the beginning of Civilizations. Unfortunately, carbon copying isn’t the best method, or is it fail proof. It is however, one of the best methods that we have today. Therefore scientists rely very heavy on this technique to study antiquities.
What is missing in this method is the cycles of the earth. Some choose only to date back 6,000 years while others will say 100,000 + years. I myself know that this earth is very old, and predates all belief systems. The issue lie with the understanding of civilizations that were wiped from existence such as the continent of Pangea and the Atlantis.
When we think about Egypt, we must understand that it had many dynasties…expanding back to Atlantis. Therefore the first Egyptians were actually Atlanteans. Observe the picture below:

In ancient Egypt, the earth was not Feminine but masculine in its nature. It was the primordial waters that was represented by the Mother Goddess that was separated from the Earth (the Father God). This makes sense when we revisit Genesis 1:2 : Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
There are clues that are in our own very Bibles that assist us in this conclusion. For instance, if we know that the Holy Spirit is a feminine aspect of GOD, then when it was time for Jesus’s baptism, it states that the Holy Spirit DESCENDED upon him like a dove.
Clues in other religious text such as with the story of Shiva/Shakti, Shiva caught Shakti’s essence in his hair as she descended to the earth. Indeed the battle has been to restore the Goddess back to her true essence as she has been lost in countless religions and cultures worldwide. The million dollar question is “was this intentional. or was the goddess being punished?” I can on and on about the countless tales of the authentic truth concerning the Goddess through various stories such as Eve, Lillith, Inanna, Ashtorath, Hathor, Isis, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, and etc…However, there is simply not enough time. Therefore, I urge you to do your own research concerning this matter. What has been apparent though, is with some religious cultures, the woman has been used as a symbol of opposition or evil. This causes a HUGE imbalance in the Universe as the feminine nature of God is not evil, but its natural polarity to bring about the greater good in mankind. She can be “inquisitive” as we see it was her nature who first challenged the El’s in ancient times; not because of defiance, but because of her wisdom.
It has been widely accepted that ancient Sumer was the cradle of civilization. This is only true of we omit the Atlanteans (pre-egyptian dynasties) that we know today. Follow me as I try to break this down. Hindusim on the other hand is widely accepted as the first religion of the earth. Hinduism acknowledges both Gods and Goddesses. So what happened?
Today, the earth is considered the great Mother (Gaia), and the Sky represents the great Father. But even in the symbolism of the Ank, we see that the oval (circle representing the Womb or feminine energy) sits at the head.

As I started to ponder and consult the Ascended Masters during this time, I realized that many of us were indeed operating backwards. I was led to start studying gnostic and esoteric materials just like the ascended masters of the past who were granted their Sovereignty based on their levels of understanding and acceptance.
There were three books who all taught a similar story: The Descent of Inanna, The Pistis Sophia, and The Emerald Tablets. All speak of a feminine energy becoming trapped in the lower realms or underworld. In each account, she had to be rescued from a higher Deity to be restored to her honor.
What we are witnessing are various levels of understanding or truth being past down from generation to generation and accepted blindly. If the primordial waters from the EIN-SOPH was one of the first originators of mankind and the earth, than how did she become synonymous with the earth as opposed to the sky from which she originally hailed?
Perhaps the answer lies in the stories concerning the various descents of the goddess to the material world. It also seems to suggest that this happens during various Aeons for the assistance of the evolution of humanity, until the final days of the ascension when her crown was restored. Therefore the feminine goddess is the absolute original Bodhisattva.

I am aware that many are not aware of this term or its meaning, so therefore I will help you understand.
In Mahayana Buddhism, the bodhisattva is someone who has taken a vow to put others first. Ordinarily, we are self-centered beings. In Mahayana Buddhism, the goal is not only to relieve our own pain and suffering, but to develop into a powerfully compassionate being who is capable of healing the pain of all beings everywhere.
Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who have put off entering paradise in order to help others attain enlightenment. There are many different Bodhisattvas, but the most famous in China is Avalokitesvara, known in Chinese as Guanyin.
Bodhisattvas are usually depicted as less austere or inward than the Buddha. Renouncing their own salvation and immediate entrance into nirvana, they devote all their power and energy to saving suffering beings in this world. As the deity of compassion, Bodhisattvas are typically represented with precious jewelry, elegant garments and graceful postures. Popular Bodhisattvas are Qyan Yin, Maijishan and Mother Mary.
One asked me almost two months ago, what is it that I get out of studying this history? What does it do for me? The answer is that I was born to. It wasn’t about what I personally gain from it, rather it was what was necessary for reshaping our world through healing and understanding. I, even myself struggle with the heaviness of hearts and misunderstandings concerning the nature of my being. No worries, it is my cross to bear. In the long run, the jewels we leave today, will become the catalysts of understanding for tomorrow. May we all wake up and ascend.